Taylor Community Library

The Taylor Community Library serves as a hub of technology and engagement in Taylor, Michigan. The Library website provides access to a robust events calendar as well as a variety of online resources including a comprehensive catalog and digital media libraries.
For this project, we were tasked with identifying areas of opportunity and reworking the site to better suit the needs of the users. In this document, you’ll find an overview of the research conducted to inform the creation of content analysis and a new sitemap. We conducted additional testing to determine the right structure for the site and were able to create wireframes of the proposed layout.
The goal of this project is to utilize library user feedback to inform and implement changes to the Taylor Community Library Website.
Using several different user research methods we were able to identify key priorities and generate a new organizational structure for the site.
Patron Interviews Sitemap Treejack Wireframe Testing

Key Takeaways
•Prioritize access to the catalog and events pages.
•Provide users with multiple access points to the catalog, tech services, and the online resources
•Empower users to seek out their own solutions to their technical problems by creating an IT Support page with a focus on online resources
•Make it easier to access the Michigan Library Database by making it the first dropdown in the “Research” tab.